Snippets from our measuring integrity 'think-in' series

Snippets from our measuring integrity 'think-in' series

A short tease to whet the appetite for a new series of podcasts about our recent think-in held at the IACA HQ - on measuring integrity.

Show notes

How we measure corruption shapes how we view and address the problem.

Indicators create and spread international standards, influence the drivers of economic growth and affect our views about government performance.

This makes it critically important that they are as accurate – and actionable - as possible.

Yet measuring corruption is also extraordinarily difficult and complex. Great strides have been made in recent years, but there are no easy answers.

So, the Global Programme for Measuring Corruption (‘GPMC’) is taking the conversation about measurement to the next level, by investigating the ‘demand’ for corruption indicators and mapping the ‘supply’ of innovative methodological approaches.

To this end, the Programme recently held a 'think-in' at the HQ of the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Vienna, to examine how measuring a different concept - integrity - could help change the narrative and yield better outcomes.

The GPMC assembled a lively and thoughtful team of practitioners and academics, from a diverse range of topics and continents, to debate and discuss the topic over four days.

In this tease, in order, you hear short soundbitesfrom:

Viktoria Poltoratskya:

Christoph Demmke:

Lucio Picci:

If you’d like to hear more from Viktoria, Christoph, Lucio or any of the other particpants at the think-in, we've recorded longer interviews with all them and they are now available as a podcast on all of your favourite platforms.

There’s also a podcast with the co-organisers of the event reflecting on the think-in, discussing the key take-ways and explaining what happens next.

If you would like to read more on the topic then:

Here’s our background briefing paper published before the think-in (LINK TO COME!)

Here’s our key insights paper published after the think-in (LINK TO COME!)

If you want to find out more about the programme, visit this link:

And if you have specific questions please feel free to email the team:



Viktoria Poltoratskya

Viktoria Poltoratskya

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Christophe Demmke

Christophe Demmke

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Lucio Picci

Lucio Picci

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